Friday, July 8, 2011

Key Leadership Skills

There are a variety of leadership models which emphasize key leadership skills. Some of the best models are designed for specific organizations because it is usually difficult to describe key leadership skills with a broad brush. However, there are some fundamental skills that all great leaders share in common regardless of the type of group that they are leading. Whether you are leading a commercial enterprise or a nonprofit organization, or if you are an elected leader in government, these are five key leadership skills that you must master:

Strategic Thinking: Leaders must be able to think strategically. This is a complex skill set that includes the ability to define critical issues, analyze the relevant facts and information, and decide on a strategic direction, sometimes framed as a "vision." Leaders must be able to chart the course after they have received input and sorted through the information that is necessary for them to make a decision. If the leaders isn't able to conceptualize the direction they want to go, they will be ineffective at truly "leading" anything.

Communication: Communication is a fundamental skill for any leader. Once they have formulated a vision, then they must be able to communicate it. The best leaders not only communicate the facts, but do it in an inspiring way. They are able to persuade their followers that they will be able to lead them to a better place. If a leader can't communicate effectively, then he or she will be ineffective as a leader.

Political Savvy: Political savvy is a skill that leaders use to assess the needs of the various stakeholder groups within their organization. They are also good at recognizing who represents these groups as key subordinate leaders within their organization. Using their political skills, great leaders are able to build coalitions by common cause among the key stakeholders. If a leader is unable to build collation, they will find it very difficult to move ahead with their agenda.

Resilience: Resilience is the skill that leaders need to overcome obstacles. No matter what agenda or vision the leader may want to pursue, it is always the case that they will run into road blocks on their journey. Resilience is the skill that leaders use to circumvent the road blocks and continue their journey. They focus on what they can do to solve the problem rather than blame others or become paralyzed with inaction.

Learning Agility: Learning agility is a skill that all leaders need to recognize what is working and what is not working for them or their group. In a whitewater environment where change is a constant, leaders must be receptive to new ideas, experimentation, and innovation. The old adage, "What got you there, won't keep you there," applies today more than ever. New technologies, globalization, and explosion of information are just a few of the trends impacting leaders in the 21st Century. Modern leaders must be able to learn new things and apply them to their organization to be successful. The best leaders are "quick studies."

These are five key leadership skills that every leader must master. As you think about your own leadership journey evaluate yourself on each of these important skills. If you have not mastered them, then it would be a great place to start your personal leadership development plan. Focus on what you need to do to improve your skills in these important areas and become a better leader today.
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